Being Smart About the Sounds Your Car Makes

Strange Car Sounds Most car owners bringing their vehicle in for repair will describe or imitate any noise they perceived the car made resulting to a malfunction or breakdown. Yet, however accurately the problem was described and how well it was understood by technicians in the first place, it may still result to unsuccessful repairs. […]

Windshield Wipers: When Little Things Matter to Your Safety

Care Tips: Making Your Wipers Work for You Windshield wipers are inexpensive and quite plain but they play a role in keeping you safe. Because they’re on the front line between you and the elements, it’s important to take care of your wipers and keep them in good shape . Always check your wipers for […]

Your Car’s Most Important Maintenance Checks

The Checklist You Can’t Ignore Basic car maintenance is so important, yet many car drivers are below par where it comes to conducting regular maintenance checks. Cars have so many moving parts, it’s hard to keep track of every single service item. Here’s a listing of service items that should not be ignored by car […]

Ways in Keeping Your Car Rust-Free

Watching Out for Rust Rust or rust buildup is the bane of anybody’s car; being that a huge percentage of a car’s body is made of steel. Rust is always a potential risk. While there’s been a lot of advances in the car manufacturing industry, the inherent characteristic of steel remains unchanged. Your car will […]